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DCC Minutes 02-13-08
Dukes County Commission Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
5:00 p.m.
County Administration Building
Call to Order
Chairman Les Leland called the County Commissioner’s meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.  Commissioners Lenny Jason, Tristan Israel, Roger Wey, and John Alley were present.  

Also present were Acting County Manager Noreen Mavro-Flanders, Cindy Mitchell, Sarah Kuh, Jane Beitman, Gail Poggiodge, Chuck Cotnoir and Julia Rappaport of the Vineyard Gazette.

Chairman’s Report
·       Chairman Leland talked with Executive Secretary Jeff Burgoyne at the Town on Aquinnah to inquire about the “County Articles” and regarding their special town meeting. They had all three programs in one article regarding the Counties articl, which was; tThe Ttown  of Aquinnah will put these articles programson as three separate articles for their town meeting in May.  
·       Chairman Leland attended a meeting of the Joint Transportation Committee at the Martha’s Vineyard Commission; they have appointed a new chairman, Stewaruart Fuller. They updated the projects going on, and the MUP. (Multi use paths)

Acting Manager’s Report
·       Noreen Flandersreported that her office  has again called to have a seminar to be held on the Island for the new building regulations.  The speaker; he does not feel it is feasible to come to the Island. They usually meet with 200 – 300 people. He will talk with his supervisor, Bob Anderson.
·       The article regarding the optional County Programs is now on Edgartown’s town meeting warrants. The County Advisory Board approved the FY 09 budget, the Public ir hHearing is February 21, 7:00 pm. She does not yet have the airport budget; a draft will come to the county commissioners for review then it will go back for changes from the Mairport commission.  The final budget will be presented VC she will then get the budget once it has been reviewed approved by the MVCairport commission..  
·       The Youth Task Force has now received one half of its grant; they are now occupying the office across from the executive assistant ands, the Medical Reserve Corp has moved to the Engineer’s office.
·       A small Barrier Beach meeting was held to see how things are moving along for this season.was held aA survey will be done to establish where grass is needed.
·       Three or four resumes have come in, they are due February 20, and Noreen will get copies of all of the resumes to the Commissioners on the 21st.  Noreen does not want to continue being the Acting County Manager past April 1. When would the Commissioners like to meet regarding the resumesapplicants? Commissioner Wey would like to see it before the regular commissioner meetings or during thosee meetings, to move the process along. Chairman Leland believes the Commissioners will have to go to executive session.


Tristan Israel madekes a Motion to approve the Minutes of January 9, 2008, Lenny Jason secondedds,
Roger Wey wanteds a change to page 4 so that it willto reflect that the Town of Oak Bluffs is not currently $1 million dollars under budget, their expenses arey budget it $1 million over budget. Motion Passed. (4-0-0)

John Alley madekes a Motion to approve the Minutes of January 23, 2008, Roger Wey secondeds.
Tristan Isreael wanted toould like a change to Page 4, at  the end of the third sentence beginning of the fourth line. Commissioner Israel would like to take that sentence about insurance out. Motion Passed. (4-0-0)

New Business
Chairman Leland reviewed the July 11, 2007 minutes, regarding the appointment of the two Associate Commissioners for the Youth Affairs, one being an adult and a youth. The Youth Task Force would like to appoint two youths along with an adult; the reasoning is to give more representation to the students.

Tristan Israel makesde a Motion move to amend the motion adopted on July 11, 2007 on Associate Commissioner for Youth Affairs by deleting “and a youth” and inserting “two youths”, Roger Wey seconds. Motion Passed. (4-0-0).

Chairman Leland presented Aa letter from Chuck Cotnoir, the county’s representative to the Medical Reserve Corps, asking the Commissioners to accept the Massachusetts Association Health Boards annual Medical Reserve Corps grant in partnership with the other members of the Medical Reserve Corps.

Tristan Israel madekes a Motion to accept the Grant for the MAHB, Roger Wey secondeds. Motion Passed. (4-0-0).

Ms. Flanders wrote a letter to Senator O’Leary and Representative Turkington, a response was returned from Rep. Turkington, regarding courthouse roof. One bid came in to replace the roof at $148,000. Trial Court will pay their 81% but their money will not come until August 2009. Dianne Powers hasve agreed to allow the County to borrow money from her the deeds excise fundsmoney for replacement of the roof. Commissioner Wey askeds how quickly the roof needs replacement, and he would like to see competitive bids. Ms. Flanders stateds most people do not want to get involved in increased wages, due to it being a municipality. The firm that has given a quote is Associated Roofing, It is the firm that did the work on the Whaling Church roof. Commissioner Israel askeds where the money is going to come from for the roof. Ms. Flanders answered there is $20,000. For the first payment of  for the roof in the FY 09 budget (which will need to be increased to $30,000) and additional money next year will come from the state..

Tristan Israel makdees a Motion to file the legislationdocument to allow the County to borrow money for more than one year. . John Alley secondeds. Motion Passed (4-0-0).

Old Business

John Alley madekes a Motion to appoint Sheriff Michael McCormack to the Nation Incident Systems with Chuck Cotnoir as assistant, Roger Wey secondeds. Motion Passed. (4-0-0)

John Alley madekes a Motion to appoint Chuck Cotnoir as the Emergency Management Director, Roger Wey secondedds. Motion Passed. (4-0-0)

John Alley madekes a Motion to re-appoint Ernie Mendenhall to the West Tisbury Housing Authority, Roger Wey secondeds. Motion Passed. (4-0-0)

Chairman Leland appointeds Anson Krickl asto the Associate Commissioner for Handicap Affairs.

Chairman Leland appointeds adult Michael Joyce as the Associate Commissioner forto Youth Affairs.

Chairman Leland appointeds Christina Wylie and Mark Everett, the two youths, as Associate Commissioners for Youth Affairs.

Health Council Appointments
Cindy Mitchell, stated that an ad was placed in the papers to get open positions filled. The nominating committee and coordinating committees have reviewedgone over all of the applicants. Jane Beitman has worked at Island Counseling Center for two years, with her experience at Island Counseling she would like to use her experience to add to the Health Council. Gail Hodge has workedworks at Martha's Vineyard Hospital for three years. She can identify where the need is on the island, and is interested in getting more involved in the island community. Cindy Mitchell adds that Dr. Oceana Raimes is, part of the Health Alliance and practices as natural doctor with patients with chronic disease. Rex JarellGeral is a massage therapist; he is the nominee from the Health Alliance. Ellie Beth, a former selectman and assistant Town Manager for Gay Head, she is a cancer survivor and understands the needs of people.

Tristan Israel madekes a Motion to appoint Cynthia Doyle, Janet Holladay, Patsy McCormack, Jacque Cage, Dr. Weiss, Paddy Moore, Jayne Cleare, James Ferriter, Julia Burgess, Sharon Clauss-Zinger, Terre Young, and Rex JarrellGeral to two year appoints to the Health Council, Lenny Jason secondeds. Motion Passed. (4-0-0)

Tristan Israel madekes a Motion to appoint Eleanor Beth, Jayne Beitman, Dr. Oceana Raimies, Gayle Poggiodge to one-year appointments to the Health Council, Lenny Jason secondeds. Motion Passed. (4-0-0)

Cindy Mitchell addeds there is a vacancy for a public official, a County Commissioner or theirits representative. Chairman Leland said he would like to know if anyone is interested or we will appoint a designee at a later time.

Commissioner Israel reads a letter that there is a $500 scholarship for Pilgrim RC&D for seniors.

Tristan Israeael movesd to go into Executive Session for the purpose of going over the executive session minutes, not to reconvene in open session. Lenny Jason secondeds.

Les Leland - Aye
Roger Wey - Aye
Lenny Jason - Aye
Tristan Israel - Aye
John Alley - Aye

With no further business, the Commissioners adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts